Continuing in the spirit of Cate Speaks


So, it wouldn’t be an election unless there were some candidates we were unable to locate.

Some of them are out there, just not really doing much. This includes the New Democrats (Kaushaliya Vaghela as their most visible member), the Restore Democracy Sack Dan Andrews Party (Tosh-Jake Finnigan, ditto) and independents Fred Ackerman, Storm Hellmuth and Mehdi Sayed. For these candidates, we’ve reached out to them on Facebook with the following message:

Hi there. My name is Loki, from Something for Cate, a website that analyses the policies people are taking into elections (I’ve included a link below). As you are a candidate in the Victorian election this year, we were wondering if we could send you a short list of questions about your positions, and post the answers on our site?

We’ve also included Walter Villagonzalo in this group, because although he does have a site, it’s more about what he’s done in the past than his plans for the future.

We’re giving them until next Sunday to get back to us – time is running out, after all.

There are others whom we have not succeeded in locating at all:

  • Colin John Mancell (Northern Metro)
  • Esther Demian (Western Metro)
  • John O’Brien (Eastern Vic) — NOW LOCATED! Thanks Simon!

So we probably won’t be writing much about them.


  1. Benjamin Cronshaw

    Ahh … lost candidates is my favourite type of post. I always wonder about these candidates. Must have a spare $350 handy for the fun.

    • Loki

      That’s what I don’t get. I mean, at least James Bond got to have a good laugh out of it all.

  2. Simon

    John O’Brien can be found here:

    It seems his big issue is boat ramps, although he has a grab bag of opinions on most other things.

    • Loki

      Uh, I think you may have the wrong url there Simon.

      • Simon

        Don’t know how that happened (apart from obviously not proof-reading my work)

        This is the URL I thought I was copying and pasting:

        • Loki

          Ah, many thanks!

  3. Zed Blake

    I couldn’t find anything on Johanna Skelton…

  4. Simon

    Colin Mancell (Northern Metro) seems to be from The Indigenous-Aboriginal Party of Australia

    • Loki

      And Storm Hellmuth is listed there as well. Excellent. Thank you, Simon.

    • Simon

      Another Simon! That’s not confusing at all…

      • Loki

        Maybe we can colour-code you or something 🙂

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